Saturday, June 29, 2013

Our Insecurities and Flaws

Insecurities can kill you

Here’s my point of view of this matter.

You see, we can be preoccupied at most times because of what people have to say about us. We could even hurt ourselves. No-one has it all together, and that's okay.
Are you worried about your skin color? height? weight? body shape? etc. Do you ever feel like doubting yourself? You don't have to feel that way. You're just making things harder.
You don't have to hide yourself from people. You need to practice to not care about what others think. Everyone has their own insecurities, so you're not alone. 
As I entered the teenage life, I myself became a very insecure girl. And that led me to low self-esteem. There were some situations that I don't want to leave the house. It's like I also I want to explain everything Im feeling but I just don't have the words for it. I even wrote in one page of a notebook a list of all my insecurities and i filled that one page. I know, it really lessens your self-confidence to think about it. But I realized that it wont do any good. It would just make me feel so down. What i'm really good at is to fake a smile. In school, i'm known as a really cheerful & happy girl. But when I'm alone at night, that's when the real me comes out. A sad, depressed and insecure girl. See the thing about it, when it gets hard you try harder. The problem about me is that I care way too much of what people have to say. I also overthink a lot. And its just not healthy for yourself to act that way. I want to stop being so insecure. I want to get out of my own shell and just be myself. I know some of you can relate to me. I mean, do you ever just have late night thoughts and would just suddenly tear up? that you felt really down about yourself? Cause you're ugly, lost and lonely? 
 I am really like that. I guess because we're not little kids anymore. 
We're not those little people anymore who doesn't care about anything. We grew up and we changed. Now, we care a lot about everything. 
The lesson here is that we need to learn to love ourselves. We need to stop thinking that we're not good enough. We need to stop counting all our flaws and we need to stop comparing ourselves. No one can criticize us the way we can criticize ourselves. Each and everyone of us is a beautiful mess. Don't be insecure. Smile.

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