Monday, June 9, 2014

To Kill a Mockingbird

I'm blogging about a book, yes. That's because it is my favorite one after reading it a month ago. I've read a few classics as well, before reading this I've just announced to myself that Pride and Prejudice is my favorite, but just after reading this one, I don't think any book could top this. Darn this one is just pure perfection and it's very brilliant. I don't even know the right words to explain how good it is, no not good, it was grand!

So the book is all about growing up, the humor of children, discrimination and an unjust treatment towards people with different races. Basically, the book covers a handful of issues and topics. Which also gives you a lot of morals.

I fell inlove with so many things. I got interested in the aspect of law which I new saw myself liking. I really find Atticus' personality so beautiful and hands down to him. I scowl with full curiosity whenever it comes to Boo Radley. I admire the humor so much. I grin at the bliss of childhood and sometimes caught myself chuckling while flipping through pages. I was really caught off guard when I found out how racist the people were. It's like you want to do something to stand up for the people who were treated terribly. I also would find myself really keen about how Tom Robinson's case would go. I was too infuriated at Mayella that it made me want to slap her like seriously tho. I have so many favorite parts from the book and also captivating lines. One of my unforgettable moments is the moment when Scout said 'Hi Boo'. That was the part that I completely lost it and I was bawling my eyes out. 

I was so into the book that I ended up sharing the story to my parents and I know they aren't really that interested but atleast they listened. 

I mean it's legit insane how just a stack of papers could make you so emotional and vulnerable. It's also really funny how it could make you the happiest. All hail to Harper Lee for this absolute perfection.

If you've read this book mention me on tell me and do fangirl with me. You can mention me about anything actually, im up for it. :) xx

Thursday, June 5, 2014

"We are just a bunch of suicidal kids telling other suicidal kids to stay strong"

I won't give all of my thoughts about it though here's some of what's on my mind. "We are just a bunch of suicidal kis telling other suicidal kids to stay strong" -This may or may not sound morbid. This may or may not define the exact words literally. This may or may not be surprising. But for whatever it really means, it involves these words;
-emotional & nonchalant
-strong & weak
-and lastly, ordinary to many

Well im not really sure what this is for or where im heading. here's the point; all i know is that the definition of it is pretty lengthy and sure as hell deep.

but then again, stay strong xx

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Inferiority Complex

Some of you may not be familiar of what an inferiority complex is. It's the unethical or complete opposite of a full confident human being. It's the fear of not being worthy enough and being timid. This includes everything. Your skin color, race, physical appearance, disabilities, and this could go on. The thought about it is odd yet very ordinary and frequent to people. We people who developed this tend to get paranoid about things and we feel like we've been ostracized but the truth is that it's just in our minds and in ourselves. We already are vulnerable. And we are making it worse, which makes us feel small and inconsequential. Everything about this is very lousy although it's a very serious thing. If we stop comparing ourselves to others then maybe, just maybe, it will lessen our doubts and negative thoughts. Being fearful of not being liked isn't right and we're just making this very unjust for our character. 

I, myself, have developed an inferiority complex and there's always something in me that can't let go of being inferior to others. I feel trapped. I know i'm not the only one who feels sad when someone mentions my flaws and when they shove it in my face. It's like; dude I know that already can you shut up now. Don't you just despise those kind of people?  What I started to do is that I surround myself with pure genuine people who's truly good for me. The rare ones who won't make me feel down and won't make me feel bad about myself. And I think you should too. I am so insecure, like you have no idea how insecure i can be. And I bet, I am not the only one. But through time, gladly, I see myself improving although it's really a slow progress, but either way it's still a great progress. I do my best in being positive. I feel like I want to be better than what I already am. It's like my way to gain self esteem. I don't want to impress people. I want to impress myself and I want to prove to myself certain things.  

There are actually many ways out there to improve, to not feel inferior and to be confident. We just have to try and do it because no one else could help us but only ourselves. Don't worry, one day we're all going to become people who aren't insecure and scared. We're all looking forward to that my friend. Remember, do something good and productive to overcome. If you feel like you want to escape in a quick snap way because you're tired and your thoughts are darkened, don't. Please don't. It doesn't help at all. Someone else have it worse. Stay strong xx

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Greatness of Books

Books are actually good and they're really something. I never thought that I would be in a situation to love books. I used to hate and despise them cause they're boring and they're all words and it doesn't involve pictures. Before, I felt like reading books is such a nuisance. But I turned out eating my own words. There are a lot of perks when it comes to reading. You get to encounter unfamiliar words and you tend to understand them, you learn about different locations in the world, different stereotypes, profanity, famous quotations, child prodigies and etc. You get interested about almost everything. You want to know what's inside the character's mind, what's gonna happen next, the detailed explanations of such feelings, get curious on who'll die first, and even the infinity of teenagers. And yep, that feeling my friend is inevitable or should i say, pure bliss.

My favorite part is that you can be in a whole different world when reading. When it's just you and the book. It's like a good-escape-type-of-thing. You feel relaxed, de-stressed and focused at the same time. It's the soul of the characters that makes you fall. It's their thoughts that can inspire you. It's the whole book that impacts a part of you or more.

You can actually finish a book in just 2 hours or 3 if you're really into it. But if not, it'll take you days or even weeks cause not all books are that good, but most of them are pretty amazing. Even when I feel weary, I still continue to read because of the eagerness to know every single chapter and the urge to flip those beautiful pages. Reading is one hell of an adventure. You should try reading some time, if you haven't yet. Im telling you, it's like one of those 'eureka' moments you wouldn't want to miss.

Wuthering Heights & Perks of Being a Wallflower are really good picks. Wuthering Heights; this one's a classic love story that ended up in a tragic way. Perks of Being a Wallflower; basically one of my favorites, which is about teenage infinity. 


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Have you ever felt tired?

Sometimes we just loose it and that's just how it is. Have you ever felt tired of coping up with everything? It's like when you don't know how to function. It is when you feel like running away, punching someone or jumping off a cliff. It is like when you want to stop trying and not care for a few days. And it is also like when you want to just disappear. You are not alone. There are also millions out there who feels the same way and I'm one of them. I will just let it pass by cause if I won't it will sort of get under my skin. The only thing that's holding me on is the 'thought'. I keep reminding myself whenever I'm weak and tired that; I am loved by the one above and he made me for a reason. Also, he had given me parents who truly loves me more than anything else and I should be really thankful for that. All of us would feel tired. No matter what age, there is no exemption. Everyone will feel the big fuss. The only thing that would matter is on how you will react to it.

 mention me on
about anything :)
stay strong XOXO 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Relationship with Him

I am blessed because he gave me the
opportunity to see the world,
Yes, him, my one and only Lord
To seek him in times of trouble
And his love for me is double

I may not always understand why he
allows certain things to happen,
But he is not making any mistakes and I am certain
I ask him for strength to deal with all this stress
 I put it in his hands and lean on him to help me

Cause when everyone else puts you down,
you can always count on him
Faith is the thing which keeps both together
As I can remember, I want him close to me forever